To Let Go
The moment you know the person you Love no longer is there. Whether by choice or not, you lose them. At first It can be one of the most painful times of you life. Memories of what used to be take over. Though as time goes by, you learn to cope, adjust and become better. Though, no matter the circumstances you will always have love for them.
I miss us
I miss holding your hand and feeling like time is moving slower
I miss being wrapped in your arms and imagining it could last forever
I miss when I could kiss you and the outside world seemed to disappear
I miss waking up in your arms and rubbing your cheek and tell myself it doesn’t get any better than this
I miss taking late night long walks to the park to talk and clear our mind together
I miss making a mess in the kitchen trying to cook and only thinking about how much fun it was
I miss showing each other around in each other’s hometown
I miss dancing with you
I miss being goofy with you
I miss loving you how I wanted to
I miss being happy with you
I miss telling you how much I’m in love with you
In all reality, its not us I miss
I miss you
But I won't have you